There's a Will There's a Website
A Platform that
Grows With You
Event managment that
molds around your needs
Your website that has everything you need to manage events.
For the "Do It Yourself" crew, Wordpress is the prefered choice. The open source software has come a long way from a simple blogging tool Build webpages, manage users, and create custom forms all within it's drag and drop interface.
TAWTAW is your hosting platform that also includes initial setup with the right theme and plugins.
For a completely hands off experience. This package gives you a fully guided experience without limits.
Enjoy the benifits of having a dedicated web developer building a custom tailored app.
Cloud storage doesn't have to be expensive. Thanks to Nextcloud , TAWTAW offers cloud storage for buisness to personal files that can be accessed through the browser or synced via desktop client
Also included is the OnlyOffice suite. Edit text, spreedsheet, powerpoint, and other documents without leaving the browser.